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OCD (One Click Damage) Blender 2.92+ add-on


OCD (One Click Damage) Blender 2.92+ add-on

OCD is a helpful add-on to deal with boring flat surfaces and razor-sharp edges. If you want to bring some realism to your model but don't want to spend hours on it - OCD is here to help.

Adding damages has never been so simple and fun. Just select your model and click on "Make Damage", adjust to your taste, and "Apply".


• NEW Multi-selection feature – Want to apply damage to a bunch of objects* at once? Now you can!

• Instant visual feedback – Any adjustments instantly appear on your model in realtime. 

• Slim UI with adjustable parameters – No digging in tens of sliders and meaningless numbers. 

• Variety of procedural noises - Hundreds of variations for the damage with no repeat.

• Ctrl/Cmd function – Gives you some additional control over your workflow.

• Auto material creation. - OCD will assign a material to the damaged parts and it's smart enough to see if your object already has a material.

• RECALL function – No more need to try to find the copy of the original model if you want to try different noise or even add/remove some details after Apply. With RECALL you have the option to change your mind even days after*.

• Materials - For convenience, OCD will create material for damaged parts of your object.

• Procedural approach – Imagine if after a day of sculpting all these details by hand you will have to change something and start all over again. With an OCD add-on, you have total control over your time and effort.